Monday, August 25, 2008

So, umm...

1. Today was pretty bad. We were supposed to meet with our social worker. I spent all night on Saturday working on a scrapbook that was due at our meeting on Monday. Guess what? She was sick and not in the building. Guess when they told us? 45 minutes after we waited in the waiting room. We watched a little bitty bitty baby (like days old) being dropped off in the lobby by a guy. He had to go get someone else so he just left the baby with the scattered secretary. She didn't know what to do. I told her that I would watch the baby for her. So, Maggie and I awwed over the tiny baby. We watched a foster mom drop off a baby with her daddy. It was so awkward. The kid was hysterically upset about being left. It was an uncomfortable scene.

2. Tomorrow is Maggie's first day of school. She is so excited. I will post pictures of her new back to school outfit. While she is in school, our new MOPS group is meeting at our newly renovated church to discuss last minute details before our first meeting on Wednesday.

3. Then, I have to work! So, my MOPS friends will be at my house without me! They are going to price stuff for the garage sale that is at our house on Friday.

4. I'm waiting for Jon Stewart to come on. I can't wait to get his reaction to the DNC tonight.

5. One more thing. I have the hardest time with links, but this is a good one. Sarah posted it first!

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