Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Today, Patrick climbed into this box and got all snuggled inside. He had his sister's pillow pet, a big blanket, baba and his sister's stuffed leopard. He stayed there until Martha Speaks was over. He was allowed to play with all of his sister's stuff cause she was at school and didn't know that he had all of it.

When I looked at this picture, it reminded me of this picture....
This is a box that Maggie made for the "new baby" a couple of days before he came to our house. As you can see, Sparky claimed it before Patrick came to our house and we never actually put Patrick in this box. Maggie was trying to make him a crib and just knew that this would be perfect for the new baby.

I guess she knew what he would like. It just took us a few years to get used to the idea of putting our kid in a box!

1 comment:

christine said...

OMGosh that is adorable. Seems as though she was willing to share with an invisible baby brother. Wonder what changed. LOL!!