Tuesday, December 2, 2008

when it rains, it pours

Last night, we heard a loud bump. I thought the kids were hurt, so we walked around to see what was going on, but saw nothing. Steven looked out the window, but didn't see anything.

This morning, he was taking my car to get some part of his truck to a mechanic,because his truck has been broken for about a week. He has been working and working on it and got to a point where we couldn't fix it anymore. When he walked outside, my window was smashed in and my purse was gone.

We called and cancelled all of my cards. R and J's medical cards and some identifying information was in my purse.

The police came and took a report. When she left, Steven went outside to look around for my purse. There's a walking trail near our house so maybe they ran and threw the purse down.

As he walked outside, the garbage man drove by. He had found my purse and was returning it to me. Everything was in it, except my debit card.

What a day.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Praying for you guys today Beth. I surely hope things look a little sunnier soon!!

Bug said...

You know what? California STINKS! Come home.
(Just thought I'd throw in a plug for moving home....ha ha.

Sorry...I know things with J and R are tough and getting tougher by the day. I'll be there soon. I'll cook and help and maybe you can get some peace and quiet.

Sandy said...

I'm so sorry! How bizarre about the purse.