I am transitioning in so many areas right now. For the first time since April 13, 2004, I am alone during the day. All the day. It's so strange. I've thought about, wished aloud for, quiet time for a long time. I mean, look at the name of this blog. And now it is here. And it's weird. Really weird.
The kids have been in school for 1.5 weeks. They are gone from 7:45-2:45 every day. I don't know how to handle this. In some ways, it's been awesome. I'm prepared for class. I'm not scheduling my work and getting work done around cartoons and kids. And I love quiet.
But, it makes me nostalgic for littler times. I might turn on Little Einsteins just for old times sake. I did just listen to an American Girl song that reminds me of when Maggie was 8 and got really into AG for the first time. Yes, I was tearing up at Saige Paints the Sky. Don't judge.
I realized today that I must really be a loss for what to do with myself, because I have been taking a lot of pictures of the dogs and cat.

I covered up his private areas with a fig leaf, so don't be offended.

The last time I took pictures of the dogs and cat because I wasn't sure what to do with myself, they were different dogs and Maggie was in Kindergarten. The next week, we got Patrick.
Since I don't think we are adopting again soon, I have been trying to figure out my new life. I'll let you know what I figure out.